November 14, 2011

Cal State Fullterton Hosts Honors Networking Breakfast

California State University – Fullerton recognized its outstanding Marketing students with a networking breakfast on campus. The event took place on November 4, 2011 and was held at the Fullerton University Marriott. In attendance were about 120 students as well as numerous employers from many different industries including retailers, food/beverage distributors, insurance companies and many more. Several employers made it clear to the group that their intentions were to hire students from the event just as they have in the past.

As a Career Center partner, Kohl’s was a sponsor of the event and enjoyed the privilege of a table in front of the room. Each organization was given time to briefly address the students to inform them of the opportunities they were offering before the networking portion began. At that time, all students were free to speak to any and all employers they desired. Naturally, as Honors students they were very well prepared with resumes, cover letters and even business cards!